
Alexander S. Holub is a retired Associate Professor of Psychology with 37 years experience teaching. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology, and a Doctoral Degree in Psychology. He is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Holub has certification in Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy being taught by its developer, Dr. Albert Ellis. He has further certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming where he possesses Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainer Certifications.

For five years he had been a facilitator for S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Management and Recovery Training) Recovery groups. S.M.A.R.T. Recovery is an alternative to the 12-step approach based on the work of Dr. Albert Ellis and cognitive therapy. Dr. Holub has been a practicing hypnotherapist for more over 40 years.

He has Applied Kinesiology certifications in Total Body Modification (TBM), Emotional Complex Clearing (ECC), and Neurolink 2000. For more than fifteen years he has been pioneering in the use of Applied Kinesiology in counseling and therapy and has presented his findings to many conferences in the western United States. Among the conferences were: The Western States NLP Conference in Park City, Utah; the American Board of Hypnotherapy Annual Convention in Irvine, California; the 1995 NLP Comprehensive International Conference in Denver, Colorado; and The Whole Life Expo in Los Angeles, California. He has written articles for: The Journal of Borderland Sciences, The Psychic Reporter,The Journal of Educational and Psychological Measurements and Anchor Point, the NLP journal.

Currently, he has several books on the market. They include: Psychokinesiology: Doorway to the Unconscious Mind, (1999), The Gospel Truth: The Heresy Of History (2005),  From Victim to Victor! Defeating a Victim’s Consciousness, (2007), and Dropping Pebbles in Still Water: Breaking the Unbroken Whole of the Universe (2011).